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Kapiti Gita Damage Report

Flights in and out of Wellington were grounded,  power poles came crashing to the ground and electricity was out for almost 100 homes – all before the worst of ex-Cyclone Gita’s weather even made it to the capital.

Got any photos or information? Email: [email protected]

The storm has passed us and is now moving down south and away from New Zealand. Wellington experienced nearly all of their monthly rainfall in one day. February usually sees about 51mm of rain the entire month, but 48mm fell at Wellington Airport on Tuesday.

Serve winds hit the Kapiti region, with winds up to 110km/h in some exposed places late last night and early this morning.

Air New Zealand Delayed Flights

Wellington Airport flight status this morning.

The arrival of these winds prompted Air New Zealand to cancel all flights in and out of Wellington airport until midnight, with lots of flights  still delayed or canceled.

Melbourne resident Charnae Tiquia’s New Zealand holiday with two friends was unexpectedly extended after their flight was cancelled and there wasn’t another flight they could get on for two more days.

“We felt so stressed when we heard the announcement. We all had a bit of a cry, we just want to go home,” Tiquia said.

Damage Report

The damage in Kapiti was very light and scarce, the sea is still wild so we recommend you still away this morning.

Damaged Sea Wall on SH1 (Photo: Ross Giblin)

Kapiti Sea ofter Gita

Driftwood that washed up last night.

Drift wood

SH1 Sea Wall After Gita

SH1 Sea Wall After Gita

Got any photos or information? Email: [email protected]