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Mazengarb Road and Guildford Drive tarseal

The Kāpiti Coast District Council is advising people to take care driving through Mazengarb Road and Guildford Drive, due to tarseal issues.

“We’re aware of the issues with the tarseal on Mazengarb Road and Guildford Drive. The stones have worn off the surface, and the seal has become exposed and sticky. We’ve been in touch with the contractor who are looking into an urgent solution for this problem.”

Kāpiti Coast mayor, K Gurunathan

Signage will be put in place to warn road users, and if you’re experiencing issues with the tarseal, please direct enquiries or concerns through to Council’s Call Centre on 0800 486 486. Concerns will be passed onto the contractor to contact residents directly.

“We’ll provide further information once a solution has been agreed with the contractor.”