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Pilates for Golf Starting Monday 18th February

Pilates is a wonderful complementary exercise for Golfers.

Quoting American Golf, “A stronger and more stable core helps golfers:
• Attain an optimal back-swing and follow-through with increased range of motion in shoulders
• Get more distance and power because of added hip and torso flexibility
• Have a stronger and bigger hip turn for greater power through rotation
• Create a smoother and more powerful swing due to evenly conditioned back muscles
• Maximize balance and alignment while rotating
• Decrease fatigue because of less strain on the body
• Hold a body position long enough to play through a shot”

Pilates for Golfers is a 60 minute class progressively working the whole body using selected essential Pilates mat exercises.

Session time: Every Monday 9:30am – 10:30 am
Starts Monday 18th February 2019.

Price: $15, Concession $12.
Call me to reserve your place. Class size is limited to 6 people for maximum personal attention.