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ANZ Otaki Branch Soon to Close

The ANZ Bank in Otaki will be closing down on the 27th of April 2018. This will affect four staff members, who will be transferred to the Waikanae branch, and Otaki residents.

Customer preference has changed, this is the main reason why the branch has had to shut down. The change has been caused by a decrease in transactions, which have declined by 12.6% in the past year, the increase in internet banking, and customers choosing to use other branches around Kapiti.

The only other local bank is Kiwibank, located on Main St. Locals who do not wish to go there will need to go to Waikanae or Levin, the closest ANZ destinations.  

Customers of the Otaki ANZ branch will soon receive a letter to let them know of their options when the Otaki branch closes down. The bank is also helping some customers learn to use internet and phone banking so they have the option to do this instead. This will help aid day-to-day transactions, making them easier and more efficient. The manager of the Otaki branch, Stephanie Etherington, is also the manager at the Waikanae branch. This means that the overall transitioning process will be made much easier.

A smart ATM will also stay located in Otaki for customers to deposit, withdraw or transfer money.