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Raumati Road Burst Main

Yesterday’s water main burst caused water to go out for large parts of Raumati. There was lots of confusion on why this happened and why there was a large hole in the ground on Raumati Road.
Most people thought it was a sinkhole caused by the water leak but it was dug by the council to get to the pipes.

Raumati Road Main Leak

“We’re in the process of repairing this main and water has been reinstated to all homes affected. Traffic management is in place. At this stage, it looks like the cause is related to tree roots, and the tree will be removed this morning”, said Group Manager Infrastructure Services Sean Mallon early Thursday morning.

The hole has now been filled in but there are still repairs required to clean it up, so you may want to allow extra time when driving along Raumati Road.

Hole Filled - Whats On Kapiti