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Successful Raumati South School Coaster Event

The Raumati South School Coaster event was held today. There was a great turnout with 250+ children and adults participating in the ride. Over 2000km were cycled. There was a festive atmosphere bunting and an ex-student mc giving the safety briefings. The event organiser, Megan Rowe was really pleased with the perfect weather and the great turnout.

All ages were catered for with three different ride options; the Coastlands 2.2km, Ceinwen Howard 4.6km and the Thrive 13km. They used the local bike tracks (Queen Elizabeth Park & Expressway track) and all rides started and finished on the school field. Along the tracks, there were marshals to ensure no one got hurt or lost. Verity Abdat a parent and marshall co-ordinator said, “It’s been fabulous, lots of smiles and happy people.”

Raumati South School Coasters

The event was held to help Raumati South School raise funds to build their bike track which will make them the first school in Kapiti to have this asset. The cycle track will be a great resource for the school and the wider community, giving people more of an opportunity to develop skills on their bikes.

At the school, there was food and entertainment for everyone including live music, bouncy castle, face painting, yummy ice cream and a mini bike track for pre-schoolers.

Photo-1: Names: Liliani Cuevas-Haxton and Caitlin McCleave

Photo-2: Taken by Mike Greening