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Council Shifts Funding Priorities

Council are making shifts in funding based off three new strategic priorities.

Sarah Stevenson, strategy and planning group manager has said, “we have agreed three new strategic priorities for funding – connected communities, safe communities and a capable sector”.

Earlier in the year, organisations were given the opportunity to submit their ideas. Now, an evaluation has led to 11 organisations being invited to the second stage of the process.

The organisations invited through to the second round of the contestable process are Energise Otaki, Maoriland Trust, Kapiti Youth Support, Age Concern, Cobwebs Community Trust, Nga Hapu o Otaki, Challenge for Change, Volunteer Kapiti, Impact Hub, Kapiti Living Without Violence and Kapiti Women’s Centre.

Organisations not chosen are Citezins Advice Bureau (CAB) – Otaki and Kapiti, Well Able, A Safe Kapiti (ASK), Te Newhanga Community Centre Trust.

Mayor K Gurunathan has acknowledged that organisations who have not been chosen may feel ‘betrayed’. Council are doing everything they can to help assist those who have not been chosen to go through to the next stage. Tailor-made support packages have been provided, which include advice from not-for-profit experts – suited to the needs of the organisation.

Some of these organisations have been receiving non-contestable funding for the past 10 years.