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Kāpiti Marine Discovery Centre

A proposal has been made for a marine centre to be built on the former Raumati Pools site.

Photo: AD Architecture

The proposal has been made by the Guardians of Kapiti Marine Reserve Trust.

The proposed site, which is currently being used to store books, is the perfect location for the marine centre due to its proximity to Raumati Beach. As well as this, there are plenty of car parks and a seawater intake pipe on the premises.

The foundations for the centre are already there, making it a great way to put this old pool to good use. 

The Guardian’s chairman Ben Knight has said, “we believe this site is ideal for a marine centre and would be a great way to retain and utilise the existing building which has been sitting vacant for the past 5 years”.

Funding for the project has been discussed with the Kapiti Economic Development Agency. The project would cost an estimate of around $2 million.

The proposed Kapiti Marine education, research and activity centre has a lot of potential, with the perfect location being an additional factor to the educational, social and economic benefits it would bring.

The centre would adjoin to the Waterfront Bar & Kitchen and would be made up of 2 large aquariums, a rock pool / intertidal local marine life touch tank, a virtual reality suite, displays, classrooms and theatre and an education and research facility.

It is also a good time to push the idea of the centre, with the long-term plan consultation currently underway.

Due to financial reasons, work on the site would not likely begin until 2026-2028, however, there is a chance that the centre could be developed with little financial commitment from council.

“We understand this situation and, based on our research to date, think there is a good case for the centre to be developed without any significant financial commitment from council… they own the building so will have an important role to play in this project but our proposal doesn’t require them to bank roll it.”

The next step in the project is to apply for funds for a feasibility study. This is when funding options and other details of the project will be discussed and planned.

The Guardians of Kapiti Marine Reserve are seeking community support and feedback for the proposal.